Russian of the Month

The idea of this page is tho promote one, or two related Russians as is the case this month, beautiful Russian every month. Would you like to see your Russian here? Send us a good picture and a description of your cat. You can use the mail adres on the contact page.


Chatuliem Russitiem’s Yaron

Date of birth: August 8th, 2004

This is Yaron, my Russian Blue one year old lad. I saw him for the first time when he was 8 weeks old. I had to choose between two Blue males and two White males. They where all adorable but Yaron came immediately to me and started to play with me. So my choice was made fast en luckily he chose me too. Last year, on November the 26th he finally moved in with me. He got out of his travel basket, walked around, ate a bit, played for a while and fully satisfied fell asleep on my lap.

I am still very happy with him. I can really enjoy coming home when he will stretch up my leg as far as he can to greet me. Seeing the dreamy look in his eyes when he is napping on his back. His funny things which make me laugh. How the point of his tongue is sticking out of his mouth a little bit. His soft meows when he’s talking to me and so many things more!


Text and pictures: Ramaka